Policies and Procedures


ACCESSIBILITY Plan 2023.pdf .pdf
Attendance and Punctuality Policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Anti-Bullying and exclusion Policy Nov 23.pdf .pdf
Eckington First School Calculation Policy sept 22.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions policy.pdf .pdf
Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Complaints policy and procedure 2023.pdf .pdf
Curriculum Policy Statement.pdf .pdf
Data_protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Homework Policy.pdf .pdf

Policies and Procedures


ACCESSIBILITY Plan 2023.pdf .pdf
Attendance and Punctuality Policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Anti-Bullying and exclusion Policy Nov 23.pdf .pdf
Eckington First School Calculation Policy sept 22.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions policy.pdf .pdf
Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Policy 2022.pdf .pdf
Complaints policy and procedure 2023.pdf .pdf
Curriculum Policy Statement.pdf .pdf
Data_protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Homework Policy.pdf .pdf