
We are excited to offer places for 3 and 4 year old nursery children into our Early Year's class. Please see our Nursery Handbook information under Curriculum/EYFS for further details. Please contact the school office to arrange visits, taster sessions or for an application forms pack.

Nursery is well provided for and organised.

The school staff are all very approachable and always more than happy to help with any issues that we have had. It feels like a big friendly family, perfect for young children entering the world of education.

(Parent questionnaire comments)

Nursery Admissions

Our admissions policy for nursery is based on the common admissions policy for Worcestershire Local Authority (LA) maintained nursery provision. We recognise that the area served by any nursery is wider than the catchment area of the providing school and may vary according to local circumstances


Over Subscription Criteria 

If the demand for places exceeds those available, the following criteria will be used to allocate places:

  • Children Looked After* and Children Previously Looked After including those who appear to have been in state care outside of England and have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted; 
  • Children with additional needs**, with priority given to those who meet the County Council’s criteria for statutory assessment; 
  • Siblings if the older sibling will still be on the roll of the school when the younger sibling starts in the nursery class; 
  • Children living nearest to the nursery measured by the shortest straight-line distance. 

Priority will be given to those who will be starting reception the following September and those wishing to access their full 15 or 30 hour entitlement, over those wishing to access less than 15 or 30 hours per week.


*’Looked after’ means all those currently accommodated by a Local Authority under the terms of the Children Act 1989 and children who were previously accommodated by a Local Authority but immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.

 **Additional needs includes those children whose needs are monitored by LA or external support agencies. Needs may be physical / emotional / social or intellectual. The decision will be taken by the LA in consultation with the Headteacher, SENCo and early years teacher.

 The sibling connection, as well as brother and sister will include half-siblings, adopted children, step-siblings or a child of the parent/carers partner.  They must also be living at the same home address. Children who are brought together as a family by a same sex civil partnership and who are living at the same address, are also considered to be siblings.

Access to Statutory Education

Attendance at our nursery does not give entitlement or greater priority for a reception place in the school. Places in reception are allocated as per the admissions policy for Worcestershire.
