Welcome to Class 1: our bright, spacious classroom that looks out onto the school field and our forest school, and home this year to our Nursery and Reception class.
The teachers are Mrs Bishop, Mrs Steele and Mrs Raynes and we have support from our wonderful teaching assistants Mrs Gowing, Ms Brown and Mrs Norman.
The classroom has lots of exciting areas of learning to explore.
All About Me
To start the Autumn term, we have the topic of “All About Me”. We will be learning our new class routines, rules and expectations.
Our work will focus on the themes of ourselves, our family and our friends. It is a great opening topic for the year as the children have a sense of ownership and knowledge of these areas and so feel confident to access the learning. Our main aim over the first few days is to begin to get to know the children (e.g., likes and dislikes, interests etc.), encourage the children to try a variety of new activities, use a variety of resources and explore their new environment. During the first few days, we will have ‘play to learn’ time to encourage the children to explore their new setting, new resources, new people and begin communicating with and forming friends.
We are very lucky to have a range of learning environments available to us, including our indoors, outdoors and Forest School. Each week the activities and learning opportunities will change according to what we are learning about.
In Class 1, the children have the opportunity to learn through a variety of fun, adult directed and child-initiated activities.
Our key questions:
Sporting Champions
On your marks, get set, go!
Did you know? The 5 rings of the Olympic flag represent Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas, linked together in friendship.
Our Big question: Why is healthy eating important?
Our Key Questions: We will discuss the importance of how we behave when taking part in games and activities. Does it matter if we lose? How can we be good sportspeople?
We have started our topic by welcoming our visitor, Nurse Rachel, who came into school to talk to us about keeping healthy.
Amazing Animals
We have started our topic by making some of our own amazing animals! We made junk model animals by exploring how to join different materials. We practised our scissor cutting skills and then choose whether to use glue or tape to join the materials.
Amazing Animals
Our question - Can we have a pet penguin?
To learn more about our Amazing Animals please click on the following link from National Geographic to discover interesting facts about animals from all over the world.
We found a spaceship!
We found a photo of a spaceship that had landed on our school field. We wanted to find out where it had come from so we learnt all about the planets in our solar system.
Space Explorers!