Learning beyond the Classroom



We take full advantage of our wonderful surroundings within, as well as, beyond the extensive school grounds. We value opportunities to take learning beyond our local area, having gained the Intermediate International School Award.

  •  Healthy living and sport - swimming gala, learning to be part of a team, outdoor adventure through our annual residential trip, regularly use qualified sports coaches – tennis, rugby, competitive sports through tournaments against local schools
  • Well-established forest school area
  • Summer bell-boating regatta on the River Avon. 
  • Whole school outdoor learning days on themes such as ‘art in nature’, practical problem solving – can you erect a tent without instructions?!
  • Performances - all childen take part in an annual school production, singing at Eckstock
  • Community litter pick 
  • Keeping safe – Balanceability, Bikeability, online-safety lessons
  • Church services (often planned by the children) to celebrate Christian festivals
  • Visits to places of worship – Mandir, Mosque
  • Whole school collaborative arts projects eg pottery tree, mosaic prayer tree

Music at Eckington...

We had our very own concert perfomed by the KS2 guitarists.

Would you like to learn how to play the guitar?