Eco Council

We are the 'Ecko' Warriors! - The Eco Warriors of Eckington.



What is 'Ecko' Council?

At Eckington First School, we endeavour to provide children with an education and set of skills that encourages them to aspire to be the best version of themselves they can.

Our school vision reminds us that the grace of the Spirit of God is signified by cleansing, purifying and life-enhancing water, meaning that everyone will flourish through life’s journey, guided by Jesus’ teachings to embrace life’s opportunities and challenge. We want the children to question the world and consider their place within it. As part of this, we strive to encourage children to consider their impact on and relationship with the natural world.  

The 'Ecko' Council work together to provide the tools to promote and develop sustainability throughout our school and are committed to playing their part to help us all to become more aware of our impact on the environment, for example, by using less energy, reducing and recycling waste, improving eco-efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint. 

Our 'Ecko' Committee is made up of members from Year 1 to Year 5.  We regularly meet with Mrs Bishop to discuss ideas and plan our projects. 

We have achieved the Bronze Eco Award and are now working towards achieving the Silver Award.


Why do we have an Eco Council?

To ensure our school is eco-friendly and prepares pupils to live with reflection of the environment.

To make sure each class has a platform to voice their opinions.

To discuss and raise issues related to the environment.


Useful websites

Home – Eco Schools (

Welcome to Recycle City | Recycle City | U.S. EPA

The Planet (


Children of the Earth United –  Environmental Education for Kids, Families  and Teachers. Learn about Animals, Plants, Ecology, Nature, Environmental Issues, Native Wisdom, Nature Centers, Activities, Books, Earth Day and much more.

Ecko Council Enviromental Issues Worship

Mrs Bishop and her 'Ecko Warriors', planned and presented a assembly reminding us how we can make little changes that add up to a lot! 

Some of their top tips were: turning off light switches, using refillable water bottles and looking for ways that we can recycle and reuse clothes. 

Ecko Council Recycling Worship

Mrs Bishop and her 'Ecko Warriors', planned and presented a fantastic assembly reminding us all about the importance of recycling and reusing. We reflected, thinking of how our world is full of beauty...full of animals...and trees...and plants...and great wide oceans. But it is fragile too and easily damaged. We discussed ways to keep our beautiful planet healthy and unpolluted, for the animals and plants and children of tomorrow. 


What an awesome bunch!!!

Mrs Bishop