Great, innovative curriculum with lots of fabulous opportunities for individual and shared exploration. Clear comprehensive and well considered planning that inspires and engages students. Parent Questionnaire comment 

Leaders have thought carefully about how to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of pupils. They have developed an ambitious curriculum for pupils from the early years to Year 5.  Ofsted 2023

Eckington Curriculum

The school week is a busy one, it flies by in a whirlwind of excitement, smiles, laughter and hard work!

Our creative curriculum is inspiring, rich and varied, so children of all abilities and interests feel challenged and included at all times. The aim of the curriculum is to give the children an all round, balanced education which will foster their social, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual development. Wherever possible we deliver subjects through cross-curricular topics, however some subjects such as Religious Education are taught discretely. Core learning (reading, writing & maths) is central and embedded through our whole curriculum. We aim to present children with real life situations to place their learning in a meaningful context. We want to encourage and develop abilities and talents so that each child leaves the school with a positive self image and a sense of personal achievement. We have a progressive long term plan, which, alongside our individual subject progression maps (see progression map page), ensures key knowledge, skills and vocabulary are planned for in a systematic and culminative way.

  • Trips, residentials and themed days are regularly planned to enhance our statutory provision, develop ‘life skills’, broaden the children’s experiences and make learning exciting and inspiring
  • We offer a range of specialist individual and whole class musical instrument tuition
  • Pupils use our ICT suite of touch screen PCs, ipads and laptops to research, present and analyse information from a variety of subject areas
  • Topics reflect learning about communities from a local, global and cultural perspective, including supporting charities such as NSPCC, Christian Aid, Children in Need 
  • Creative arts – drama, dance, music & art 
  • Balance of independence and teamwork
  • Opportunities to develop spirituality & reflection are carefully woven though the curriculum
  • We share our curriculum with parents through our regular topic sharing sessions.



Topic format:

Ø Super Start - to engage pupils in an exciting way, grab them with a ‘hook’ into learning

Ø Range of Learning Opportunities - focus days, enquiry based approach, balance of independence and collaboration, growth mindset

Ø Use of Quality Texts

Ø Fantastic Finish - to share learning with others, evaluation

Below are our current long term planning documents for each year group.

If you would like to see further information regarding each year group, please visit our class pages letters, which contain more detailed half termly plans.

Early Years Long Term Plans


Key Stage One Long Term Plans


Key Stage Two Long Term Plans



In Reception and Key Stage 1, children have access to Busy Things and numbots to support their maths skills and have occasional homework tasks. Key Stage 2 classes are expected to complete a weekly homework learning task from a list of suggested activities. Alongside this all children are given weekly spellings to learn and reading books to share with their parents.

Please see homework policy for further information.

Great, innovative curriculum with lots of fabulous opportunities for individual and shared exploration. Clear comprehensive and well considered planning that inspires and engages students. Parent Questionnaire comment 

Leaders have thought carefully about how to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of pupils. They have developed an ambitious curriculum for pupils from the early years to Year 5.  Ofsted 2023

Eckington Curriculum

The school week is a busy one, it flies by in a whirlwind of excitement, smiles, laughter and hard work!

Our creative curriculum is inspiring, rich and varied, so children of all abilities and interests feel challenged and included at all times. The aim of the curriculum is to give the children an all round, balanced education which will foster their social, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual development. Wherever possible we deliver subjects through cross-curricular topics, however some subjects such as Religious Education are taught discretely. Core learning (reading, writing & maths) is central and embedded through our whole curriculum. We aim to present children with real life situations to place their learning in a meaningful context. We want to encourage and develop abilities and talents so that each child leaves the school with a positive self image and a sense of personal achievement. We have a progressive long term plan, which, alongside our individual subject progression maps (see progression map page), ensures key knowledge, skills and vocabulary are planned for in a systematic and culminative way.

  • Trips, residentials and themed days are regularly planned to enhance our statutory provision, develop ‘life skills’, broaden the children’s experiences and make learning exciting and inspiring
  • We offer a range of specialist individual and whole class musical instrument tuition
  • Pupils use our ICT suite of touch screen PCs, ipads and laptops to research, present and analyse information from a variety of subject areas
  • Topics reflect learning about communities from a local, global and cultural perspective, including supporting charities such as NSPCC, Christian Aid, Children in Need 
  • Creative arts – drama, dance, music & art 
  • Balance of independence and teamwork
  • Opportunities to develop spirituality & reflection are carefully woven though the curriculum
  • We share our curriculum with parents through our regular topic sharing sessions.



Topic format:

Ø Super Start - to engage pupils in an exciting way, grab them with a ‘hook’ into learning

Ø Range of Learning Opportunities - focus days, enquiry based approach, balance of independence and collaboration, growth mindset

Ø Use of Quality Texts

Ø Fantastic Finish - to share learning with others, evaluation

Below are our current long term planning documents for each year group.

If you would like to see further information regarding each year group, please visit our class pages letters, which contain more detailed half termly plans.

Early Years Long Term Plans


Key Stage One Long Term Plans


Key Stage Two Long Term Plans



In Reception and Key Stage 1, children have access to Busy Things and numbots to support their maths skills and have occasional homework tasks. Key Stage 2 classes are expected to complete a weekly homework learning task from a list of suggested activities. Alongside this all children are given weekly spellings to learn and reading books to share with their parents.

Please see homework policy for further information.