Class 2



Welcome to Class 2  

Our lovely spacious classroom looks out onto the school field and is home to our year 1 and year 2 children.

Your class teachers are Mrs McDonagh and Mrs Raynes and we have support from our fantastic teaching assistants Mrs Crumpton and Ms Brown.

We have lots of areas for you to continue your learning such as construction, role play, computers and the reading corner.


Off to the beach!

Summer 2

Dungeons and Dragons

Summer 1

We made our own castles and recorded the important facts. 


To develop our knowledge and understanding of castles, we visited Sudeley Castle. We had a tour around the wonderful grounds and spotted the battlements and arrow slits on the castle. We even got to meet Henry V111 and his 6 wives who gave us rings and coins. Did you know that Sudeley Castle used to have a moat? 


Happy, Healthy Hearts


We used the bridge and claw cut technique to safely cut our vegetables for our healthy food wrap. 


Aston Hall trip


Class 2 were transported back to 2nd September 1666 – the day the Great Fire of London started. Children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the rooms of Aston Hall and handling replica fire hooks and leather buckets which were used to put out the fire. The children fully absorbed themselves in acting out key events by dressing up as Thomas Farriner, Samuel Pepys, servants and King Charles the 2nd. We all had a fantastic time and found out even more about the Great Fire of London and just how important cheese was to Samuel Pepys!


Fire, Fire

We launched our new topic with our super start. Children used their designing, cutting, joining, measuring and finishing skills to make their own Tudor house. We learnt that the houses were made of timber (wood) and wattle and daub.  


Smart trees


Class 2 had a brilliant time on Tuesday at Smart Trees.  We had fun taking part in a trail around the Christmas trees, hunting for letters to spell out a word. We took turns to follow the map and stamp the letters.  Thank you for the parents who also came!  We saw Santa's reinde

Class 2 had a brilliant time on Tuesday at Smart Trees.  We had fun taking part in a trail around the Christmas trees, hunting for letters to spell out a word. We took turns to follow the map and stamp the letters.  Thank you for the parents who also came!  We saw Santa's reindeer and enjoyed walking through the winter wonderland, with lots of decorated trees. We then saw Santa and he gave us all a gift.  We also had a go at decorating our own tree and drew Christmas pictures with chalks.  It was a very muddy but fun day!

er and enjoyed walking through the winter wonderland, with lots of decorated trees. We then saw Santa and he gave us all a gift.  We also had a go at decorating our own tree and drew Christmas pictures with chalks.  It was a very muddy but fun day!



As part of Enterprise, children made their own felt by rubbing layers of wool together with soapy water. Children used their handmade felt to design and create their own Christmas decoration.


Image preview          Image preview


On Thursday 5th October, Class 2 ventured into the enchanted world of Puzzlewood. We explored the unique ancient woodland by winding carefully through the maze of moss-covered rock formations, secret caves and twisted trees.  We even found a secret wooden door nestled in the rocks – we thought the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood may have been hiding behind it! After lunch, children had an animal workshop, where we learnt about the different types of animals and their diet. Children thoroughly enjoyed having their own willow branch to feed the animals, although we couldn’t believe how greedy the goats were!


The Enchanted Wood

For our super start, we walked through our own enchanted woods at school and listened carefully to the different noises and discussed what we could see in forest school. We explored forest school, looking at the life cycle of acorns and planted them to see if they will grow into an oak tree! Look at our soap made out of conkers. 


Maths challenge morning

Children have been working logically today to solve different problems. Year 1, use their understanding of positional language to sort the toys on the shelf. Year 2, had to work logically to find the value of each shape. The children thoroughly enjoyed the challenged!  


Tag rugby

Every Tuesday, class 2 has a rugby coach come into school to teach us tag rugby. The children have been developing their skills of passing and catching a rugby ball.

Artist in residence

The children were very excited to work with our artisit in residence. The children developed their understanding of primary and secondary colours and how we mix blue and white together to change the tint.