Assessment and Tracking

Performance Data over time

Link to the DfE school performance tables website

Academic Success

We have high academic expectations and standards

  • Early Years results are above the national average
  • Phonics screening check consistently above the national average
  • End of KS1 results are above the national average
  • Strong liaison with local pre-school settings, first, middle and high schools


Assessment at Eckington C of E First School – Yr 1 – Yr 5

The National Curriculum (2014) is founded on the principle that teachers should ensure pupils have a secure understanding of key ideas and concepts before moving onto the next phase of learning. Progress should involve developing deeper or wider understanding, not just moving on to work of greater difficulty, this is known as learning at greater depth/mastery.

Children at Eckington are assessed against the nationally expected level a child should reach in each year group. Evidence is collected through every day class work, questioning and discussions as well as tests and other formal assessment. All children are provided with opportunities to make links between learning and apply their skills within challenges (mastery) appropriate to their level of understanding.

Teachers are constantly assessing children’s achievements against the National Curriculum to build a clear picture of their strengths and areas where further teaching is required. Once a term teachers will use this information to make a judgement against the age related expectation for core subjects.

In addition to the usual end of year report you receive, you will also get a twice a year data report. This report will provide you with up to date information on your child’s attendance and a comparison of your child’s current attainment against the expected level at that point in the year. This is obviously only a snapshot of your child at school and we encourage parents to have regular conversations with teachers about how they are progressing socially and emotionally at school as well as academically. We hope this data report provides parents with additional, regular updates on their child’s progress, alongside our current curriculum sharing sessions, parents’ evenings, informal discussions on the playground and end of year written reports.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about your child – we have an open door policy and aim to develop strong partnerships with parents.